High School of the Dead – Zombies and Fan Service

The following article introduces us to High School of the Dead and asks the question that all fans of HOTD are surely asking … what happened to this anime series that we all loved? … and are demanding, bring back High School of the Dead.

 Around the world, no matter what language seems to be spoken, no matter the interests, and no matter if the fancy is for demons, witches, humans, or neko’s (cat demons/people), there exists the world of Anime. It comes all the way from across the big pond in Tokyo, Japan. Anime is the Japanese version of cartoons or animated shows and is mostly popular within the youthful crowd but has also been seen to capture excitement out of the adult party. Wrapped around this genre of entertainment are Conventions, Cosplay, Role-plays, and many a store housing merchandise from the shows. High School of the Dead (H.O.T.D.) is one of these nationwide loved Animes. It is thrilling, keeps one on the edge of their seat, keeps one guessing at every turn, and keeps the action at maximum level as said by fans worldwide. There is something in it to suit the tastes of all the anime fans that watch it from the Martial Arts and Zombies to the impact that comes from any show with guns. There seems to be only one issue with this show; it was canceled. Because of this anime fans demand “bring back highschool of the dead” across social media such as Facebook.

Here are a few known facts about High School of the Dead. The manga (Japanese version of a comic) was written by Daisuke Sato who is a board game designer, novelist, and manga writer. This Anime Manga grew its fan base even more when it became a T.V. and web series as well as having a movie to go along with it. H.O.T.D. is centered on a small group of highschool students trapped within the midst of a zombie apocalypse. Inquiring to the masses about zombies has met a resounding answer with shows or movies like the ever famous series, The Walking Dead. The anime held about 12 episodes, created in the year 2010. But, after the 12th episode of this highly liked series, judging by the viewing polls, the anime was, to the dismay of the fans, canceled and discontinued. It was such a loved anime that the fans were in more than just your average uproar to bring back High School of the Dead. So, with as popular as this anime actually was, why wasn’t the season continued as just about every other anime series is? Why take away something that was getting a network more than enough hits and views to have said continuation? And, why hasn’t there been enough persuasion to bring back the anime? … to continue reading this excellent article, follow this link.

Article and Image Source: Guardian Liberty Voice


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  1. I find it sad that many creators and directors believe that a show needs to have fanservice to make it. That is not the case at all. I wish they would follow Miyazaki’s lead

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  2. They said that the show was declining in views. I call bull$#%&!@*. And yes it was harder to watch the later episodes because of all the fan service. They where getting desperate.

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  3. Yes It’s pretty $#%&!@*ing brutal, I can see why he stopped making highschool of the dead. But I’m still salty about it.

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  4. One does have to bring this up, is HOTD, Walking Dead Crossover? The plots of both shows and manga/comics are pretty close.

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  5. i don’t think dead man wonderland replaced it at all, and i hate how they ended it but its an awesome anime they need to make a session two they left off with them going to find family

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  6. Deadman did NOT replace HOTD. Two different authors and artists.

    Deadman originally stopped because it was a tokyopop owned series and pop went belly up, but it did finish august 2013.

    HOTD is on hiatus due to another series the pair have been working on.

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  7. I really wish this series got a 2nd season… It was so beautifully gory (not to mention really great fan service).

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  8. I heard they just need to make some more manga for the series before the could create the anime

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    ok first before you guys get upset, hear me out.
    1. Plot was basically driven with full fan service.
    2. beginning was interesting, not as much fan service and they could’ve continued with the apocalypse thing
    3. Sadly they didn’t continue because they wanted to add more fan service.
    4. the manga isn’t as bad, it’s black and white, but in animated, you have to be wary how much fan service you put in or else the whole reason everyone is watching is the oppai.

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  10. So you all know the creator died and that the fanservice was a part of the show just as much as the zombies right?

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  11. Just to clear this up, it did well here but in Japan was cancelled due to ratings. After this director Tetsuro Araki left Mad House and directed the Attack on Titan anime. The manga it’s based off of kept running in Japan until 2013 it went on break, neither artist or writer is dead, writer Daisuke Sato is busy with a novel series he writes and artist Shoji Sato runs a collective team that creates/designs h****i and has been busy there. They have both said they’d return to the series one day when they have a good story to tell, it just hit a wall for them.

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  12. Devin, you know I’m correct. You were probably clicking the next episode with so much eager to see b**b action

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  13. And Thorin Oakenshield, fan service is when the anime has a lot of skirt flips, b***s, and what not. Basically e***i to extreme.

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  14. this anime is a disgrace. watch serial experiments lain or baccano, fate/stay their is so much better anime than zombies and b***s.

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  15. It was based on a Manga, So before you say this Anime is “Trash” just remember “The Book Came First”.

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  16. I watched it for immersion therapy to get over my Necrophobia and I wish there was a second season. The fan service didn’t really bother me

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  17. Too much fan service, not enough focus on the story, which was good whenever it decided to show up.

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  18. Who gives a $#%&!@* about fan service it show’s a lot of b***s so what… It was a good show.

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  19. It got replaced with some other Zombie show which got replaced with another zombie show….which in turn was bitten by another zombie show and became that zombie shows zombie minion….to much zombies.

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  20. Normally, I can tolerate the fanservice, but using it blatantly too much in during a survival at zombie apocalypse was completely unnecessary and kind of ruined the series for me from ever giving this a high score in my book. Just forget about this and move on to newer and better animes.

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  21. bruh, do you not even get how much fanservice plays a role in anime? It is basically a cultural norm by now! It isn’t much about creators and directors using cheap tricks to get views, but rather it is something that just happens

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  22. The creators can do as they wish. They do not have to put fan service in their stories when they direct with the director. It is part of the anime culture practically though. You are right Adrian

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  23. Not saying it’s bad, but it could’ve done $#%&!@* ton better without the massive fan service…

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  24. It was a good anime and yeah it wss like a lot of otgers but still good for its fan service I mean to be deleted for that reason is just stupid xpecially cinsidering all the way worse or naughtier stuff out there

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  25. Both this and Dead Man Wonderland were pretty good….hopefully 2nd seasons/or new OVAs will come eventually.

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  26. This anime is a 6 or 7 at best. Lacked story, good and relatable characters, any decent voice acting, and any sense of fear. The nice things about this anime are the soundtrack and animation quality! Those two reasons are why I still keep it.

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  27. This show didn’t even need fan service, it was just that good! So much potential. I don’t know why they haven’t cashed in on it.

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  28. No bro. The people who made the manga stopped for a year and a half made one more chapter amd hasnt made more since. Manga was about 3/4 of a season in to

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  29. The people doing the manga are focused on other stuff. the manga never made it very far into what would have been season 2.

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  30. Classic case of it doesn’t mean $#%&!@* if a anime is popular out here but not in Japan. They won’t care about a show unless it has vampires, magic school girls, or mechs lol

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  31. The manga was better, but it isnt saying much. High School of the Dead had so much potential to be fantastic. It had characters that were complex like Saeko and Hirano and could have had a serious setting like The Walking Dead or The Last of Us. Instead, the series went all in on the fan service which took away any shred of urgency and seriousness it had. I am only so against this series because of how horribly this series’s potential was handled. Instead of something that would make one hold on to the edge of their seat, High School of the Dead turned into dare I say a snuf series. Or at least a really poorly written action show.

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  32. It was never ment to be an anime, that’s why it’s manga creator stopped writtin the series

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  33. I can relate to the whole hit a wall thing….. its like putting an idea into a jar and leaving it to fermentate for a good long time

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  34. To be honest zombies and fan service imo wasn’t good. World is in shambles, your friends and family are dead so let’s celebrate with a bath tub episode..

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  35. That’s what I’ve heard. My friend has some of the manga and I’ve been thinking about borrowing it.

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  36. Well Miyazaki hates anime period actually, he said, “anime was a mistake.” And fan service can be great in a comedic way.

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  37. That series died, and the author hasn’t made enough content for another season. And in my honest opinion, it should pretty much stay that way or at least put more of the plot instead of fan service.

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  38. That was a meme. In the actual interview, he was half serious and half joking when he said Otaku were ruining the anime industry because of their unrealistic anime from a humanistic point of view.

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  39. This anime had me gone lost in its land of zombies lol I loved it my favorite anime hands down. PLEASE BRING IT BACK

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  40. How is this anyone’s favorite anime. It’s horrible compared to many, many others out there in the same genre, let alone other genres.

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  41. You know I could never get into any anime (I’m no anime freak) but I do have to say I liked this anime abd was sad to find out it was cancelled. While there may nut be enough to create a second season by the original author the creativity of the director can come up with enough story line to create a second season.

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  42. The creator just dropped it due to its popularity. I personally liked this anime not for fan service but I just wanted to know what happened. It’s sad for me to see that it got drooped after one season.

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