The 2011 anime “Ground Control To Psychoelectric Girl” is getting re-released on December 9th as a complete standard edition. This is a slice-of-life comedy drama, with a tinge of science-fiction, which focuses on the relationship between protagonist Makoto Niwa and his cousin Erio Towa. Makoto, like many students in Japan, has to relocate because of his parents. With his parents having to relocate overseas because of work, Makoto moves in with his Aunt Meme. He embraces the situation as it can allow him to “live like an adolescent,” which means he has the least noble of intentions. His plans come to a halt when he meets his unknown cousin Erio, who claims she is an alien from space. Adjusting to his new life was difficult enough, now Makoto has to deal with an eccentric cousin he never knew existed in the first place. For six months, under mysterious circumstances, Erio went missing. After she was rescued, Erio had no recollection of the events in that time span. She eventually allows herself to believe the existence of aliens and that she is one, too. Erio lives like an outcast lounging around at home and wrapped around a futon most of the time. Her mother, Meme, tries to deal with Erio’s eccentric behavior, but it makes her look just as silly … Read the full article at: Digital Journal
Article Source: Digital Journal
… the following is a video trailer for Ground Control To Psychoelectric Girl.