The Devil is a Part-Timer – Fast Food From Satan

Video: The Devil is a Part-Timer – Complete Series TrailerĀ (1.25)


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  1. downloading this as we speak lol the kiss anime app for Android is so full of win, and I know win lol

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  2. I loved this series. The characters reminded if the ones from Air Gear. But it was awesome.

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  3. I loge htij anipe! Ih’j jo tilakiouj. (I love this anime, it’s so hilarious.) yes, I learned how to speak Ente Isla! *(^o^)/*

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  4. Is there a second season?
    & the very beginning I was switching between languages after they were transported into the parallel modern world in Japan. . Lol

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  5. One thing is that this show will keep you lol for a long time. Ps dont even in the real world are things that the devil will be, landladys pict. Hahahha funny

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  6. It was decent, but I was hoping the anime was going to show the Devil trying to get a job, hold down such job, and the humorous interactions between him and society. Still wasn’t that bad, deserves at least one viewing.

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  7. I wanted to watch this so bad but the subtitles on Netflix were ridiculous and i couldn’t handle reading that they were breathing heavy or that there was music playing.

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  8. I loved this show, especially once the blue haired guy showed up at the competitor, cuz we all know who that is and it was hilarious

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  9. A lot more believable then using magic the gathering, pokemon, my little pony, and Mormons

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  10. Was an amazing anime and I loved it. Watched it a few months ago when it first hit Netflix :3

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  11. Lol, I could have pegged that one XD I’ll take my responsible demon general thank ya :p

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  12. Yea, same here! Haha it was funny right from the start. I’m so glad I watched it! Can’t wait for more episodes… Which I hope are in the works.

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  13. I love this series so much. I recommend to anyone who live comical anime. .. But who doesn’t

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  14. Try working on grammar before insulting people, also you have $#%&!@* taste if you think this was bad.

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  15. Was it just me, or did the guy from SFC kind of looked like the guy from Team Rocket? James I think it was

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  16. Yup, was avoiding saying it cuz of spoilers but it was so freaking hilarious, all they needed was a Jesse and a Meoth and then they could battle the devil

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  17. I just finished this 5 minutes ago, so quirky and funny! Needs another season!

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  18. yeah if there is a season 2 there needs to be more fighting I enjoyed the fight scenes.

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  19. To be honest I saw a lot of flaws in this anime, but I still really enjoyed it. From the humor to the really cheesy scenes.
    In any case–SEAS’N 2 PLS!!!111!!!

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  20. Just watch this whole thing Saturday and Sunday lmao, although this pick would have made me skip it

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  21. If you like that you should watch Kenichi the mightiest disciple they are the same voice actors

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  22. I laughed pretty hard when i started the first episode..I thought this show was going to be corny

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  23. Love this anime. Need more in my life. Had me laughing and its action scenes are great.

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  24. I saw this in anime club a couple years ago and loved it! Glad it’s licensed and dubbed.

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  25. It doesn’t. It won’t be. At least not anytime soon. I recommend the manga.

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  26. There won’t be a season two as far as anyone knows. The first season started production in 2012. I doubt they’ll give us a second 3 years after the fact.

    The light novels are good, I recommend them.

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  27. There probably isn’t going to be a second season, unfortunately. The first is already 3 years old. The light novels are very good, I recommend them.

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  28. Soon? Where’d you hear that?

    It’s almost definitely never going to happen, but if you know something I don’t, please share.

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  29. It’s on Netflix..I can’t sell yoo on it…yoo know I have a hard time describing…but I watched it…yesterday…it was good..I liked’s funny and action is really good…

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  30. on da flix…. ima check it out…. ridin out dis percocet rite now so its da perfect tyme 2 watch it

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  31. im weak as fuk….. how is it so serious n silly at da same damn tyme….. da devil works hard a fukin burger joint….. love it…. thanks

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  32. Does this mean they’re going to make another season?! I absolutely love this anime!

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